Hello to you.

And welcome to my world. If you're looking for exhaustive, thoroughly researched topics with tons and tons of photos and text— this is probably not the place for you. But it you're looking for inspiration to go do your own thing, then you found the right place.    

Journal:  One Last Time

Journal: One Last Time

We're a year in, of a painfully divisive time for us and what historians will certainly condemn with a dismissive 'what the hell were they thinking'.  The ending days of January brings to mind those sweet and sad waning, winding-down days of the Obama presidency.  Like a rope slipping through your hands, most of what was good and hopeful and honorable ebbed away until January 20th, when all at once we lost our way.   Like Washington, Obama is flawed — but in the fullness of time, I'm convinced their similarities and vision, which appeals to our better angels, will be what is remembered and not this current stumble in the dark.  Lin Manuel Miranda, genius that he is, put it all into words before we even knew we needed it.  



Journal: Why I Marched

Journal: Why I Marched