Hello to you.

And welcome to my world. If you're looking for exhaustive, thoroughly researched topics with tons and tons of photos and text— this is probably not the place for you. But it you're looking for inspiration to go do your own thing, then you found the right place.    

Journal: Dry January

Journal: Dry January

/drī/ /ˈjanyəˌwerē/:  a personal choice to abstain from alcohol during the first calendar month of the new year which coincides with societal intimidation to claim half-hearted resolutions, and at the conclusion of a holiday season which is widely recognized as a collection of excuses for imbibing in some great craft cocktails and seasonal craft beers.

Another alcohol-free month behind me, this is the third year in a row and I have to say:




Though not a heavy drinker, I do enjoy all kinds of libations:  a thoughtfully crafted cocktail (there's a few on this website ;-), gorgeous local beers, a glass of wine.  Parties, a cocktail cruise on the Lake, special celebrations or just a regular Tuesday — there's always a great reason to drink, but it turns out, as you might imagine there are some really wonderful reasons not to drink:

  • Better sleep
  • Better skin
  • Weight loss
  • More money in your pocket
  • More productive days
  • Knowing there is always a designated driver
  • Increased energy
  • You are a more active participant in your own narrative, a more accurate witness to your own existance

Filling out the paperwork at my latest trip to the doctor for my annual check-up, I noticed a nearly imperceptible change to the question:  do you consume alcohol?  If so how much? 

You see it's changed — the amount of alcohol a woman should consume has been reduced.  Recent studies have concluded that more than 7 drinks per week is too much.  Seven drink per week is really, really easy to do.

What I love about the absolutism of Dry January is that is eliminates equivocation, internal negotiations.  There's no 'only on the weekends' or 'just special occasions'.  Is Thursday a weekend if you're going out to dinner with friends? How about Sunday?

And it has to be said, as a Homemaker/Student/Therapy Dog Handler/Cemetery Commissioner, I haven't had a 'weekend' since Alex was born.  

February 1st arrives, and I can attest to all these benefits personally, which should be validation enough of the brilliance of Dry January.  But here's the real reason I participate:

to prove I can

Journal:  My Very Own Therapy Dog

Journal: My Very Own Therapy Dog

Call Me By Your Name

Call Me By Your Name