Hello to you.

And welcome to my world. If you're looking for exhaustive, thoroughly researched topics with tons and tons of photos and text— this is probably not the place for you. But it you're looking for inspiration to go do your own thing, then you found the right place.    

Auchentoshan 12

Auchentoshan 12

A lowland scotch without a trace of smoke.  Yep, it surprised me too, because I love smoky things, but damn this is fine stuff. There really is an aroma of crème brulee and toasted almonds, they are not making this shizz up.   Triple distilled and matured for 12 years with notes of caramel and coconut on the first sip, a dinna ken how this lass could refuse.  You know I must love this elixir if I'm willing to learn how to spell it.

I never liked scotch.  And I tried, I really tried.  My husband adores single malt scotch and over the years he would always obligingly let me try a sip — and every time blargh!


Then a few years ago while our youngest was studying in Edinburgh, we joined her for Spring Break and had a marvelous time touring the gorgeous countryside.  And then it happened — I learned to love scotch because you see, 

Scotch tastes, just like Scotland looks.

Of endless skies and moss covered stone.  Of green, green expanses, as far as an eye can see.  Of the sea, which is always close enough to leave the tang of salt on your tongue.  Of welcoming fires in ancient stone fireplaces...  Cue the Outlander theme song...

Pumpkins, and more pumpkins

Pumpkins, and more pumpkins

January Thaw

January Thaw