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What I'm Watching Now

What I'm Watching Now

People are asking, so here’s a list of favorite, funky, dysfunctional family films. Perfect for watching with your cooped up loved ones. Things are gettin rough out there, time for some calming, creative energy. Here’s a quick list of inspirational, heartwarming and life-affirming films — but some you may have missed (?) and not in an obvious, saccharine kind of way.


The Descendants (Payne 2011) Defies genre, tugs at your heartstrings and remains very authentic and very human. Unexpectedly funny and touching. George is at his subtle best here and Shailene Woodley is acting her ass off. Love this film.

Little Miss Sunshine (Dayton, Faris 2006) Time to polish up your dance moves and rewatch this classic. Our introduction to Steve Carell’s dramatic range and reaffirmation that Toni Colette is a genius. Want to feel old? This is what Abigail Breslin looks like now:


And speaking of Abigail Breslin, oh ya… my next pick must be… Signs (M. Night Shyamalan 2002). I love this movie in spite of Mel Gibson, that (I had better seats that you at Hamilton) racist schmuck. This wounded family is bound by love and faith even as they face some serious shit with dignity and kindness. An inspiration to us all.

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About a Boy (Weitz 2002) So charming and so clever and again… Toni Colette. Her range — just amazing. She is so believable as the hippie depressive Mom we’re glad we don’t have but somehow at the same time, want to help. Hugh Grant is stretched a bit here and is better for it. Not just the affable romantic lead, but a bit of a bastard (code for ‘plenty of growth opportunity’). And because it’s British, it’s funny through and through.


HAVE YOU STILL NOT SEEN HARVEY (Koster 1950)? Seriously, I’m not sure we can be friends. Whimsical, warm and wonderful. Defies genre, description and formula.

“Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be," — she always called me Elwood — "In this world, you must be oh so smart, or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me.”

— Elwood P. Dowd


The Birdcage (Nichols 1996) An ‘alternative’ family (in quotes, because really, who cares — but the film’s structure hangs on this plot structure) pulling together for a lofty common purpose, young love. We miss you Robin Williams, we really do.

Great article about the film’s longevity:


One more… the 90s Little Women (Armstrong 1994). For every reason I should have loved the new version more, but the good old Winona Ryder version from 1994 is still my preferred adaptation of the March sisters civil way saga. (My alliteration is exhausting even me today). Whichever you prefer, no doubt we could all learn a thing or two about resilience and priorities and sacrifice from Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.

Film Review:  Three Days of the Condor

Film Review: Three Days of the Condor

Letter to My Mother 3.19.20