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And welcome to my world. If you're looking for exhaustive, thoroughly researched topics with tons and tons of photos and text— this is probably not the place for you. But it you're looking for inspiration to go do your own thing, then you found the right place.    

Peach Picking!

Peach Picking!

A quick weigh in, 4lbs so far

A quick weigh in, 4lbs so far

Yep, how best to follow up a morning of blueberry picking, then with a morning of peach picking?  Talk about an embarrassment of riches... 

My friends, Dana and Michelle couldn't attend the (by invitation only) Pick Your Own Peaches Party at Shelburne Orchards, so I went for them.  It's not as snooty as it sounds, anyone can pick — you just have to sign up ahead of time so they can control the crowds. 

The fragrance was unbelievable, standing there amongst all that luscious, picture perfect fruit.  The trees were heavy with ripe Reliance peaches, known for their tolerance for cold and sweet flesh (any comparison to this blogger is accidental, I assure you).

Nick, the orchard's owner gave us our marching orders, delivered with his usual charm and humor, and in 10 minutes I had enough peaches to make a pie, eat over yogurt and add to smoothies.  And share with Dana and Michelle, but only if they make me... :)

Nick, Owner of Shelburne Orchards

Nick, Owner of Shelburne Orchards

So long, #505

So long, #505

Blueberry Picking!

Blueberry Picking!