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Citrus Me Happy

Citrus Me Happy

Ah... the beauty and restorative joy of a seasonal cocktail.  The zesty punch of fresh citrus and mint from the garden — this is a perfect, bright combination.  And don't even dream of using one of those plastic lemons for the juice. They may contain what was once real lemon juice ,just like bouillon cube was once a chicken. No.


It all starts with the vodka.  I use what's on sale, within reason.  Tito's, Absolut, nothing too fancy but not the rock-gut from the nether reaches of the bottom shelves.  Ya, I could buy flavored vodka, but it's not as pretty as mine and this is so damn easy — why not infuse your own?

So get yourself a clamp jar, size depends on you but it should be a little wider than your grapefruit.  Wash the grapefruits and for goodness sakes, make sure you take any tags off.

Grapefruit Infused Vodka

  • 1 - 3 fresh ripe, pretty grapefruits
  • 1 quart of vodka (or more!)
  • Glass clamp jar

Slice the grapefruits into scant 1/2" slices along the equator*.  Place in jar so they are stacked, I usually use similar sized slices just for the optics.  Pour enough vodka over the fruit to cover it completely.

Fill almost to the top, clamp down to seal and give it a swirl.  Put in the fridge for at least a few days, the flavor intensifies over time.  Swirl it around every other day or so.  This keeps for weeks in the fridge, (as if!) and you can top up the vodka when needed!

*This means if the little dimples at either end are the north and south poles, the equator is the midway point between the two.  Don't slice from pole to pole, slice along latitude lines, make sense?  


Mint Simple Syrup

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves, washed and hastily chopped

Combine the water and the sugar in a saucepan and cook over low to moderate heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Whisk if necessary.  Remove from the heat and add the mint leaves, mix lightly. The mint will turn a yucky greenish-brown, get over it.  Pour the whole affair into a liquid measure pitcher, let cool.

When cool, pour through strainer into clamp jar or reusable glass jar (or leave discolored mint for more flavor, up to you).  Seal and put in the refrigerator, keeps for 2 weeks.

Citrus Me Happy

  • 1/4 cup grapefruit vodka
  • 1 - 2 tablespoons mint simple syrup
  • 1 - 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
  • Fresh mint leaves for garnish, or lemon slices or grapefruit!

Pour contents over ice in cocktail shaker, shake vigorously and pour into a chilled martini glass. Adjust for sweetness.



Wendy Moradian's Ginger Snaps

Wendy Moradian's Ginger Snaps

Journal: The Westie of Goodwood Hill