My darling boy turned 25 this year. Putting that temporal impossibility aside for a moment...
Besides bearing a profound resemblance to the Glover side of the family tree, he's also my film fan, way more than the girls — and he likes to cook too. He recently got a raise and when I asked him if he was going to splurge on anything when he got that first, bigger paycheck he said, not surprisingly — a standing Kitchen-Aid mixer. Red.
Ten whole days days before his birthday he sent a text — all he really wanted was a 'collection of the favorite family recipes'. OK, so domain name aside, there's noooooo way I'm just going to send him a manila envelope filled with scanned notes and cook book pages, or worse and email with PDFs attached. No.
So I reached out to my favorite graphic designer, who just happens to be my beloved first born, and we collaborated over a few, frantic days in June and came up with an honest-to-god cook book: CuiZine (ya see what I did there?). Click below to see some random pages...
There's no short cut. You just scan all those notes and torn-out magazine pages and vanilla-stained recipe cards you have squirreled away somewhere, and then go through all your photo albums and digital files and... put it all together. It takes time, but it is so, SO much fun. We used a self-publishing service called Blurb, which makes it very easy. Having a very talented daughter helps.
in the kitchen, nick and me